Special Programs

School Breakfast Program

The School Breakfast Program is a federally-assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools. Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast positively impacts a student's academic success. Each meal must provide ¼ of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for protein, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and calories.

Nutrition Services serves breakfast at all 221 school sites, and students eat for FREE. During May 2013, MSCS served an average of 47,467 breakfasts daily.

Please view USDA National School Breakfast Fact Sheet for more details or visit the USDA: https://www.fns.usda.gov/sbp/school-breakfast-program.

Breakfast in the Classroom

Many school districts participate in the federally-funded School Breakfast Program, but its performance in eliminating hunger has fallen short of its potential. Less than half of children who are eligible for the free or reduced-cost breakfast are eating it.

Many school districts participate in the federally-funded School Breakfast Program, but its performance in eliminating hunger has fallen short of its potential. Less than half of children eligible for the free or reduced-cost breakfast are eating it.

Nutrition Services has the fastest-growing universal free Breakfast in the Classroom program in the US, with 85 schools participating as of May 2013.

If your school would like to have Breakfast in the Classroom, please contact Shalissia Smith by phone at 901-416-0062 or by email [email protected]. 

Grab 'n' Go Breakfast

Grab 'N' Go breakfast offer students another option to traditional cafeteria-based breakfast. Grab 'N' Go breakfasts are packaged in paper bags, boxes, or trays. Students pick up their breakfast and eat it when and where they want, within school guidelines.

Nutrition Services partners with school staff to offer Grab ‘N’ Go breakfast at middle and high schools throughout the district.

If Grab ‘N’ Go Breakfast is right for your school, please contact Shalissia Smith by phone at 901-416-0062 or by email [email protected]. 

National School Lunch

The National School Lunch Act is designed to encourage the consumption of nutritious meals by assisting nonprofit school lunch programs.

Nutrition Services provides students an average of 60,069 nutritionally balanced free lunches daily (May 2013). The meals and services provided are an important part of the overall education experience and enhance students' ability to learn.

It is vital that students know their PIN numbers and / or bring their student ID cards every day. Nutrition Services is supported solely by federal and state reimbursements for meals served, which means that we must track each meal served according to each student's eligibility. Please help us maintain quick and efficient service by ensuring that your child learns his / her PIN number and brings his / her student ID card every day.

For more information, view the USDA National School Lunch Fact Sheet or visit the USDA website: https://www.fns.usda.gov/nslp

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

The Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service administers the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) nationally. FFVP is a catalyst for change in combatting obesity by helping children learn healthier eating habits. The program has successfully introduced school children to various produce that they otherwise might not have the opportunity to sample.

Nutrition Services has 69 schools participating in the program. Learn more about the FFVP: https://www.fns.usda.gov/ffvp/fresh-fruit-and-vegetable-program

If your school would like to join the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, please contact Kim Stewart by phone at 901-416-0063 or by email [email protected]

Off-Site Programs & Charter Schools

An Off-site program is an educational program that requires meal service but is at a location with limited enrollment or without a cafeteria/kitchen. Its purpose varies, but most are Charter Schools. The required meals (usually lunches) are provided from a nearby school location.

Families must submit a completed meal application for Nutrition Services to determine if the students are eligible to receive free or reduced-priced meals.

Affiliated Charters are locally funded - all monies come from MSCS, and Nutrition Services provides meals. (All applicable policies and procedures must be followed to provide reimbursable meals.)

Independent Charters may be directly funded or locally funded, and it is the option of Nutrition Services and the independent charter school whether Nutrition Services provides meals.

Nutrition Services currently provides meals to 38 locations.

If your school would like to join our group of satisfied customers, please contact Shalissia Smith by phone at 901-416-0062 or by email [email protected].

Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) works to ensure children in lower-income areas continue to receive healthy, well-balanced meals during the summer when they do not have access to school breakfast or lunch.

During the 2011 summer program, MSCS served 168,000 breakfasts, 432,000 lunches, and 241,000 snacks/suppers at over 450 program sites.

For more information visit the USDA website.

If your school would like to receive Summer Lunch, please contact the Special Programs Office by phone 901-416-1194 or by email [email protected].

After School Snack Program

Under the National School Lunch Program, snacks can be served to children after their regular school day ends as part of an organized, structured, supervised, and approved after-school program. These snacks give children a nutritional boost and encourage them to join safe, supervised, and educational activities.

Please visit the USDA After School Snack Programs webpage for more details.

If you would like to serve after-school snacks in your program, please contact the Special Programs Office by phone (901) 416-1194 or email [email protected].

After School Supper Program

In some cases, children need more than a snack to get them through from lunch to the end of the day. In these cases, the USDA's Child and Adult Care Food Program makes it possible to provide nutritious suppers to youth participating in eligible after-school care program.

Nutrition Services has the only universal, free, at-risk supper program in Tennessee, providing approximately 5,500 suppers per day to 70 after-school programs.

For more information, please visit the USDA Child & Adult Care Food Program webpage.

If you would like to include after-school suppers in your program, the Special Programs Office by phone at 901-416-1194 or by email [email protected].

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