
Our communications are most effective when there is consistency in content, as well as appearance. Readability is the most important consideration when selecting a font. Fonts should always be clean and professional and never distract from the message itself or compete with our visual identity. The type of font should always be selected based on the communication format.

Serif fonts are generally recommended for standard printed materials, such as letters and brochures. Examples of common serif fonts:

  • Cambria
  • Courier
  • Georgia
  • Garamond
  • Times New Roman

Sans Serif fonts are generally recommended for digital materials, such as websites and PowerPoints. Examples of common sans serif fonts:

  • Arial
  • Avenir
  • Calibri
  • Century Gothic
  • Helvetica

Approved print and digital marketing materials may vary based on the design themes. Any print or digital communication that will be widely distributed internally or externally should be approved by Communications to ensure it meets all proper branding and style guidelines.


160 South Hollywood Street
Room 208
Memphis, Tennessee 38112

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